Sink Welded Into Table Top

Extra Cleaning Space: Premium Sinks Welded into Tabletops for your Establishment

Showing 81 to 82 of 82 total
Advance Tabco DTA-99D Sink Bowl


Advance Tabco DTA-99E Sink Bowl


For restaurateurs that want the best of both worlds, a sink welded into tabletops is an ingenious solution. This installation helps you get both a sink and an extra ware washing space so that your backhouse section is well-serviced. Bycombining both a stainless sink and a steel tabletop,these units ensure you have ample space and sanitation. Sinks welded to tabletops are ideal for establishments that want to supplement their ware washing area with an extra sink. These units can also be outfitted in the food preparation area where your sous chefs need to wash produce and vegetables constantly. Sinks welded to tabletops offer both countertop space and a sink to perform both washing and food prep without your staff having to frequently move between the sink and countertop. This enhances the efficiency and speed with which your food prep section can function. These units can also be deployed by cafes and small operations where a dedicated ware washing space might be tough to construct. Sinks welded into tabletops come in handy in such situations and ensure seamless sanitation. When you need quick and easy ways to service your high-volume business, always consider unique and ingenious solutions like sinks welded into tabletops to conserve money, space, and effort while making the best of your operation.

Also make sure to check out other great items from Eagle Group, Advance Tabco and John Boos.

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