It is essential to keep your ingredients fresh and cool while making pizzas, sandwiches, and other dough/bread-based foods. At Chef Buyer, we have several options for refrigerated prep tables to best suit the needs of your establishment. We offer excellent value and a quick and easy way to service your high-volume business. For sandwich-making stations, our prep tables have a cutting board to help you with assembly and cutting. These tables include recessed wells that are easy to access and keep the ingredients cool while assembling the sandwich. Likewise, for pizza-making tables, our selection offers raised areas above the board so that reaching the toppings and ingredients while assembling is a cinch. Whatever your needs may be in terms of size and capacity, we offer a wide range of refrigerated prep tables to suit your business needs and budget. We are sure that our selection from the best manufacturers will help you find what you’re looking for. At Chef Buyer, we’re constantly striving to improve our customers’ experiences and match their expectations. Make sure to browse our catalog and we’ll be happy to assist you with the rest of the purchase process.