Southbend Commercial Gas Ranges

Commercial Gas Ranges are essential for any Foodservice Business

Showing 121 to 160 of 222 total
Southbend P12C-G Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $5,569.00
Your price $4,999.57
Southbend P12C-C Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $6,083.50
Your price $5,461.46
Southbend P18N-X Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $4,640.00
Your price $4,165.56
Southbend P18C-X Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $5,620.50
Your price $5,045.80
Southbend P18N-C Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $5,833.00
Your price $5,236.58
Southbend P18N-P Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $6,628.00
Your price $5,950.29
Southbend P18N-F Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $6,694.00
Your price $6,009.54
Southbend P18N-T Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $6,694.00
Your price $6,009.54
Southbend P18C-C Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $6,881.00
Your price $6,177.42
Southbend P18C-P Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Southbend P18C-P Platinum Heavy Duty Range
  • Additional Options and Accessories are Available.
    Please call:
Retail $7,684.50
Your price $6,898.76
Southbend P18C-F Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $7,684.50
Your price $6,898.76
Southbend P18C-T Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $7,765.00
Your price $6,971.03
Southbend P24N-BB Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $5,965.50
Your price $5,355.53
Southbend P24N-HH Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $6,426.00
Your price $5,768.94
Southbend P24N-GG Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $6,827.50
Your price $6,129.39
Southbend P24N-BB-SU Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $7,003.00
Your price $6,286.94
Southbend P24C-BB Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $7,158.50
Your price $6,426.54
Southbend P24N-CC Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $7,291.00
Your price $6,545.50
Southbend P24C-HH Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $7,363.00
Your price $6,610.13
Southbend P24C-GG Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $8,032.50
Your price $7,211.18
Southbend P24N-TT Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $8,113.00
Your price $7,283.45
Southbend P24C-BB-SU Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $8,219.50
Your price $7,379.06
Southbend P24C-CC Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $8,300.50
Your price $7,451.77
Southbend P24C-TT Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $9,344.50
Your price $8,389.02
Southbend P24N-PP Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Southbend P24N-PP Platinum Heavy Duty Range
  • Additional Options and Accessories are Available.
    Please call:
Retail $9,436.50
Your price $8,471.62
Southbend P24C-PP Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Southbend P24C-PP Platinum Heavy Duty Range
  • Additional Options and Accessories are Available.
    Please call:
Retail $10,436.50
Your price $9,369.37
Southbend P32N-BBB Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $7,158.50
Your price $6,426.54
Southbend P32N-XX Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $7,158.50
Your price $6,426.54
Southbend P32N-HH Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $7,898.50
Your price $7,090.88
Southbend P32N-GRAD Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $8,300.50
Your price $7,451.77
Southbend P32N-GG Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Retail $8,300.50
Your price $7,451.77
Southbend P32N-BBB-SU Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Southbend P32N-BBB-SU Platinum Heavy Duty Range
  • Additional Options and Accessories are Available.
    Please call:
Retail $8,595.00
Your price $7,716.16
Southbend P32C-BBB Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Southbend P32C-BBB Platinum Heavy Duty Range
  • Additional Options and Accessories are Available.
    Please call:
Retail $9,103.50
Your price $8,172.67
Southbend P32C-XX Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Southbend P32C-XX Platinum Heavy Duty Range
  • Additional Options and Accessories are Available.
    Please call:
Retail $9,371.50
Your price $8,413.26
Southbend P32N-XG Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Southbend P32N-XG Platinum Heavy Duty Range
  • Additional Options and Accessories are Available.
    Please call:
Retail $9,537.00
Your price $8,561.84
Southbend P32N-XH Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Southbend P32N-XH Platinum Heavy Duty Range
  • Additional Options and Accessories are Available.
    Please call:
Retail $9,890.50
Your price $8,879.20
Southbend P32N-XH-RE Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Southbend P32N-XH-RE Platinum Heavy Duty Range
  • Additional Options and Accessories are Available.
    Please call:
Retail $9,960.50
Your price $8,942.04
Southbend P32N-PPP Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Southbend P32N-PPP Platinum Heavy Duty Range
  • Additional Options and Accessories are Available.
    Please call:
Retail $10,004.00
Your price $8,981.09
Southbend P32C-HH Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Southbend P32C-HH Platinum Heavy Duty Range
  • Additional Options and Accessories are Available.
    Please call:
Retail $10,040.50
Your price $9,013.86
Southbend P32N-CC Platinum Heavy Duty Range
Southbend P32N-CC Platinum Heavy Duty Range
  • Additional Options and Accessories are Available.
    Please call:
Retail $10,143.00
Your price $9,105.88

With commercial gas ranges, you can cook hamburgers, chicken, eggs, fish, hot dogs, and other delicious food items at the same time. Chef Buyer’s commercial gas ranges are equipped with solid iron grates and raised steel cooking surfaces. Our commercial gas range can handle all types of dishes, and you can buy a single unit of commercial gas range or multiple gas ranges depending upon your business requirements. If you have limited space in your kitchen then you can opt for our commercial gas ranges with grills. Some of the commercial gas ranges with griddles can help you cook meat, breakfast food, and sauté different types of sauces simultaneously. Since commercial gas ranges come in different sizes, you can opt for a size that best suits your commercial kitchen’s needs. The gas ranges come equipped with multiple burner options that let you cook multiple dishes at the same time. The multiple burner option is also great for stovetop cooking. Chef Buyer helps you find the perfect commercial gas ranges that can provide a quick and easy way to service your high-volume business. Don’t forget to browse through our catalog of commercial gas ranges and feel free to reach out if you need help with your buying needs.

Also make sure to check out other great items from Garland US Range, Southbend, Vulcan and Imperial.

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